Ikana created a video strategy for BabyCenter, the #1 site for pregnant women and new mothers in America. BabyCenter has 12 million video views per month.
As part of our video work with BabyCenter, we created a seven-part award-winning series of 3D pregnancy animations. Each of the 3D animation videos in the series have received more than 4 million views, with the labor and birth animation video garnering over 13.5 million views. Ikana also created a number of showcase video series for Babycenter including a live birth series as well as a group of practical how-to videos.
Inside Pregnancy: Weeks 28 to 37
2:12 min | OMMA Award
Welcome to the last trimester! Your baby can see light and is gaining weight rapidly in preparation for birth.
“The BABYCENTER original video series takes an extraordinary look at the journey of pregnancy and delivery through the most realistic animated interpretations available online.”
Is It a Boy or a Girl?
1:59 min
Your baby's sex is set at conception, but boys' and girls' genitals look the same until 9 weeks, when when big changes start.
How to Make 3 Healthy Pregnancy Meals
8:12 min
These yummy and nutritious meals are ideal for a pregnant woman and her developing baby.